Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Kentucky Derby: Over A Century Of Tradition

One of the oldest horse races taking place in the United States, the Kentucky Derby started taking place in 1875, with many traditions associated with the yearly race resulting in a strong cultural following. Many of the traditions that the Derby is now famous for were not started till the late 1890s, when the track the Kentucky Derby is raced on received many improvements. Once simple gimmicks to get new fans to come to the races, a hundred years later the Kentucky Derby has maintained its fame by holding true to what have become traditions that all Kentucky Derby fans cherish.

In 1894, a new grandstand was built for the Derby, including the two spires which have now become symbols of the Kentucky Derby racetrack. Since the new grandstand allowed for a larger number of fans to join in the betting, several new spectacles arose as traditions that have held strong for about a century now. Although the Garland of Roses is as iconic as the Twin Spires, the tradition wasn't started till about 2 years later, in 1896. Weighing about 35 lbs, the Garland of Roses is pretty large, and is a core part of the Kentucky Derby race.

Although it has been a part of the culture for a little less than a hundred years, Mint Julep is a traditional drink made for Kentucky Derby fans that is as important to them as the Twin Spires and the Garland of Roses. Although the making of Mint Julep is a varied tradition of its own, it's the glasses that it is poured into that have kept the tradition alive for so long, as fans collect them as keepsakes. At first, the glasses which the drink was poured into were meant to be returned, but since people tended to hold on to them, the drink providers have given in by allowing customers to pay a little extra so that they can keep their glasses. The Sterling Silver Julep Cup became a part of the race in 1951, making Mint Julep a permanent tradition since. Follow the link to learn more about the Kentucky Derby 2013 Odds.

While there are many types of souvenirs you can walk away with from the Kentucky Derby, it's the race itself which deserves all the fame. Only allowing relatively young horses to race, the Kentucky Derby sees extreme competition between horse trainers, with the usual 3 year cap on horse admission guaranteeing that only the most professional trainers will take the time to enter their horses into the race. Many experienced trainers see the considerable entry fee of over $50,000 completely worth it in order to be able to compete for the $2,000,000 prize awarded to any horse crossing the finish line first.

Taking place on the Churchill Downs track on the first Saturday of May ever year, for over a century, the Kentucky Derby stands as one of Louisville's proudest traditions. Louisville is usually completely filled by the time the race starts, so it's important to reserve hotels early on just to have a place to stay, not just for the inflated prices. If you wish to become a part of the Kentucky Derby tradition, and get a chance to come home with your own Mint Julep glass, you'll want to book your flights and hotels several months ahead, as many Derby fans will start to file into Louisville as early as the beginning of April. Learn more about the betting on kentucky derby.
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Some Tips on Betting On The Kentucky Derby

About the time that March rolls around, it all starts again. Everybody, expert, amateur, and enthusiast alike will begin to speculate: which young horse will take home the top prize in the Kentucky Derby this year? Some times, this speculation can begin as early as early April or even March; this is maybe a bit early, though, for anyone to be able to make a solid prediction as to which horse will be this years' big winner at the Derby.

Predicting the nest Kentucky Derby prize winner is difficult for a number of reasons. When gambling on which horse will beat their odds and win the Derby, you are trying to make the most educated guess that you possibly can; however, betting is an art rather than a science, which is why it can be so lucrative.

When placing your bets or trying to guess the next Derby winning horse, you must remember that the race is run by horses. You must always remember that horses are animals and not computers or machines - you are not able to know exactly how they will perform or behave, regardless of their history. And of course, there can never be any accounting for whether your favorite horse will suffer an injury right before, or even during, the big race. This is the kind of thing that trainers are trying to do anything to avoid - however worried you might be about an injury, the trainer is even more worried! Learn more about the kentucky derby 2013 betting.

Many amateur horse betters will get over excited in March and start claiming that any three year old that wins a stakes race in March will be the big winner at the Kentucky Derby. It is true that a horse that is racing very fast in March can carry their momentum over to early May, when the Kentucky Race is run; however, this can also mean that the horse has reached their peak in their training cycle too early, and that their times will therefore decline when the race happens.

If you want to make sure that you are betting conservatively on the Kentucky Derby, it is always best to wait until the end of April or even early May before you place any bets. The best time to place a bet would be at the end of April, when the form cycles will be more true to the likely performance at the Kentucky Derby in May. By the end of April or beginning of May, a few horses will start to really stand out in terms of who is at their training and speed peak and who is not.

Always remember that no matter how genius you are at interpreting horse racing statistics or how educated you are in terms of racing history, you are always playing the odds when betting on horses. The best way you can make an educated guess on which horse has good odds to win the Kentucky Derby is to study the win cycles of a horse. Beyond that, it is simply time to sit back and watch the most exciting two minutes in sports! For more of your inquiries just see http://www.kentuckyderby.co/.
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How To Keep Your Kentucky Odds Locked In

The Kentucky Derby is one of the reasons that horse racing is one of oldest pastimes in the United States, as it now stands well over a century old. The Kentucky Derby has been around for so long that it sees more wagers placed on its racers than most other sporting events. Although there's a two million dollar prize set aside for the racer who wins the Kentucky Derby, many more fans who placed their bets on that racer will go home with considerable sums as well.

Since people can set a wager on almost any aspect of the Kentucky Derby, every shift in the lineup greatly affects huge bets all over the States. With the arrival of online sites that allow you to lock in your rates, many Kentucky Derby fans are staying at home just so that they can manage their odds from a place where they can quickly research any new updates. A bet that has already been placed can see its odds shift greatly due to a single racer dropping from the lineup, so Kentucky Derby fans take their feeds very seriously.

Only racers who are confident in their victories will enter the Kentucky Derby 2013 because of its costly entrance fee, so every single racer is observed closely when balancing the odds against other racers. Many Kentucky Derby fans come to Louisville as early as April, to begin casing their wagers and the odds of the various racers winning. The yearly favorite has less than a 50% chance of winning in the Kentucky Derby, according to its history, so handicapping is a common practice for anyone looking to walk away with any winnings. Most people who make any long term revenues off of horse racing will carefully lay out their handicapping strategies when placing their bets.

Although there are many bets with large payoffs that require people to invest significant amounts, there are also many betting pools, such as the Triple Crown, which are free to enter, and can reward up to $100,000. Serious fans will place wagers in many different betting pools, maximizing their payout by watching the statistics of these pools as closely as they watch the racers themselves. While most of the time having your rates locked in online will allow you to get bonus cash as odds change out of favor, odds tend to go both ways, so you can be just as likely to suddenly see your odds improve greatly if you place your bet in person.

Even as the internet has made betting on the Kentucky Derby very easy, and even quite profitable, nothing beats coming into Louisville to take part of the festivities, and collecting some souvenirs. Regardless of whether or not you're going to place a bet, you'll want to book your flight early into Kentucky, as fans will start filing in as early as April to enjoy some Mint Julep, and the general atmosphere of the town before the Derby starts. Once you've found a good rate on your flight and hotel, and are finally in the city, you're still quite welcome to place your wages online to lock in your odds. Learn more about the 2013 Kentucky Derby Odds.

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The Kentucky Derby: The Pinnacle Of Horse Racing

Almost everyone in the world spends this part of the year thinking about one event. As the weather starts getting warmer and people begin venturing outdoors, everyone realizes that it is time for the most exciting spectacle of the year. No matter where you are in the world, there will be significant excitement at the prospect of enjoying the 2013 Kentucky Derby.

For someone who has never experienced the Kentucky Derby before, there might be questions about what makes it such a popular event. Many people also wonder what kinds of things people will do as part of the Derby experience.  Most people are going to want to experience three things when they engage in the Kentucky Derby experience. The information in the following post will help you to understand why so many people get excited when Derby time comes around. To learn more about the Kentucky Derby just see http://www.kentuckyderby.co/odds/.

The element of racing in the Kentucky Derby is the primary reason why people go out to the track. When you watch horses racing each other, you can expect only the unexpected, as the races are always unpredictable. The owners of the horses spend as much money as they can on training the horses and finding the best jockeys. At a certain point in the year, though, it becomes time to see if all the effort and money will pay off in a victory for a horse and her rider. Because horses can have different moods depending on the day, it's very hard to know for certain just whether the best-prepared horse will end up winning.

The kentucky derby betting will also be something fun to do. Horse racing is by far one of the most popular types of gambling in the world, especially when you consider how differently a horse might act on race day. It's also much easier to find Kentucky Derby odds than most other horse races, which makes this type of gambling a lot easier to do. As the number of people betting on the race increases, the amount of money that can be won in a bet increases, too.

Finally, you really can't beat the excitement and atmosphere when you're at the Derby. The standard dress for people who go to the Kentucky Derby will be a very nice suit, hat, or a beautiful dress. There are special drinks called mint juleps that people enjoy at the race. You can find people sharing stories, smoking cigars, having drinks, and being entertained. For anyone who is ready to start the celebration of summer in the right way, there is no better option than heading off to see the Kentucky Derby.

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What To Look For At The Kentucky Derby

If you're a huge fan of horse racing, then you've probably heard about the world famous Kentucky Derby. Started in 1875, the Kentucky Derby is one of the oldest horse races in the United States, a huge pride of Louisville, Kentucky. The Churchill Downs track has been the home of the Kentucky Derby ever since its first race. Despite the fact that the actual race doesn't start until the first Saturday of May, fans will come to join the festivities as early as April to become a part of the century old tradition of horse racing.

There are many traditions associated with the Kentucky Derby, besides the race itself, which fans come from all over the world to Louisville to celebrate. Many fans of Mint Julep, the traditional drink of the Kentucky Derby, will come early just so that they can enjoy it while barhopping throughout Louisville. Since there are certain variations to the drink, many people will go barhopping for a few nights beforehand, till they find a bar that offers their favorite mix. For more of your inquiries just see http://www.kentuckyderby.co/betting/.

Kentucky Derby fans will rapidly fill any vacant hotels early on to celebrate the festivities, so it's important to book your flight and hotel early too. You don't have to be a part of the early wave of Kentucky Derby fans in order to enjoy the festivities, but if you want to stay in a hotel within the city limits, you'll definitely want to reserve your room early on. The fact that the Kentucky Derby is over a century old causes it to draw more fans than pretty much any other horse race taking place in the United States.

If you're a horse trainer vying for the two million dollar prize, you should be ready to spend well over fifty thousand dollars just to enter your horse into the race. The 2013 Kentucky Derby places many strict qualifiers on the horses that may race during the event, such as restricting any horses over the age of 3 from entering the race. Only the most confident horse jockeys will attempt to race across the mile and a quarter track that makes up the Kentucky Derby, because of all of the restrictions. Because of the quality of most of the racers, handicapping bets is quite common.

Any fan of the Kentucky Derby will join the spectacle of the awarding of the Garland of Roses, as well as the stoic Twin Spires which have stood for over a century, with a glass of Mint Julep. Once you've finished your Mint Julep, feel free to take the glass home, as these souvenirs have become a part of the Kentucky Derby tradition as well. Even though many Kentucky Derby fans won't arrive till the day of the race, most will book their trips early in advance, so as to keep the whole trip affordable.
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