Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Some Tips on Betting On The Kentucky Derby

About the time that March rolls around, it all starts again. Everybody, expert, amateur, and enthusiast alike will begin to speculate: which young horse will take home the top prize in the Kentucky Derby this year? Some times, this speculation can begin as early as early April or even March; this is maybe a bit early, though, for anyone to be able to make a solid prediction as to which horse will be this years' big winner at the Derby.

Predicting the nest Kentucky Derby prize winner is difficult for a number of reasons. When gambling on which horse will beat their odds and win the Derby, you are trying to make the most educated guess that you possibly can; however, betting is an art rather than a science, which is why it can be so lucrative.

When placing your bets or trying to guess the next Derby winning horse, you must remember that the race is run by horses. You must always remember that horses are animals and not computers or machines - you are not able to know exactly how they will perform or behave, regardless of their history. And of course, there can never be any accounting for whether your favorite horse will suffer an injury right before, or even during, the big race. This is the kind of thing that trainers are trying to do anything to avoid - however worried you might be about an injury, the trainer is even more worried! Learn more about the kentucky derby 2013 betting.

Many amateur horse betters will get over excited in March and start claiming that any three year old that wins a stakes race in March will be the big winner at the Kentucky Derby. It is true that a horse that is racing very fast in March can carry their momentum over to early May, when the Kentucky Race is run; however, this can also mean that the horse has reached their peak in their training cycle too early, and that their times will therefore decline when the race happens.

If you want to make sure that you are betting conservatively on the Kentucky Derby, it is always best to wait until the end of April or even early May before you place any bets. The best time to place a bet would be at the end of April, when the form cycles will be more true to the likely performance at the Kentucky Derby in May. By the end of April or beginning of May, a few horses will start to really stand out in terms of who is at their training and speed peak and who is not.

Always remember that no matter how genius you are at interpreting horse racing statistics or how educated you are in terms of racing history, you are always playing the odds when betting on horses. The best way you can make an educated guess on which horse has good odds to win the Kentucky Derby is to study the win cycles of a horse. Beyond that, it is simply time to sit back and watch the most exciting two minutes in sports! For more of your inquiries just see http://www.kentuckyderby.co/.
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